How2Med Blog

Duy, Omeed, and Henry 0

Welcome to How2Med!

We became doctors to help people and share our love of medicine. This is our way of making that dream a reality. We want to help you better understand medicine and your health. 100 years ago people got sick or injured and most of the time they…

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When the deadliest catch is your own finger: how to remove a fish hook

Summer is upon us. So I thought this would be an appropriate post.

While some of you may not need this post, I suck at fishing. I am about as graceful casting with a fly rod as a bull in a china store. (Henry says no one has been to a china store since 1900. Maybe a bull in a Chihuly glass art exhibit is a more hip/modern metaphore?) Anyways, point is, I get a lot of fish hooks stuck in my hand.

If you can’t just pull the thing out (which sometimes you can), the problem is that the barb on the end of the hook is doing its job.

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Does this look infected?

Before becoming a doctor, I never knew so many people walked around every day wondering if some part of their body was infected. Ever since medical school, my family, friends, and (sometimes) strangers alike seem to want to show me their random, often disturbing body parts, and want to know if they have an infection.  Once a stranger in an elevator tore off his shirt to show me his recent surgical incision.